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Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)


The Water Supplies Department (WSD) launched “Fresh Water Plumbing Quality Maintenance Recognition Scheme” in July 2002. The said scheme was re-titled “Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Buildings”, “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water” and “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus)” (Q-Plus) in January 2008, March 2015 and December 2015 respectively to signify enhancement features.

Tap water quality can be affected by various factors inherent to a building’s internal plumbing systems, despite the fact that the water supplied by the WSD is safe for consumption, such as a lack of proper cleaning of the drinking water tank, a lack of proper maintenance of the internal plumbing systems causing contamination, or the use of non-compliant materials in the internal plumbing systems. Noting this, the WSD invited expert consultants to assist in developing a set of risk-management based guidelines and templates for the water safety plan for buildings (WSPB) in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The guidelines and templates encompass the identification of potential contamination risks in internal plumbing systems and the formulation of corresponding control measures to safeguard the quality of drinking water. The WHO welcomed the WSD’s action in devising these guidelines and templates, which are considered conducive to promoting the implementation of the WSPB. The guidelines and templates have been uploaded to a website jointly managed by the WHO and the International Water Association for international reference.

To promote WSPB to property owners and property management agents and give recognition to property owners and property management agents who have implemented WSPB, WSD launched a voluntary scheme “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)” (QMS) with support from the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies by integrating WSPB with the “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings on 6 November 2017 to encourage the property owners and property management agents to implement WSPB for safeguarding the quality of drinking water.

Property owners and property management agents who have engaged a Qualified Persons trained in WSPB and passed assessments to develop and implement WSPB according to “Guidelines for Drinking Water Safety Plans for Buildings in Hong Kong” and WSP templates can apply QMS.


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Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)

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Name of Buildings awarded the Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System) Certificate