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Do Not Install Unauthorised Fresh Water Cooling Towers

Fresh Water Cooling Towers (Cooling Towers)

Cooling towers are used in water-cooled air conditioning systems for heat dissipation.

Fresh Water Cooling Towers (Cooling Towers) 1
Fresh Water Cooling Towers (Cooling Towers) 2

Enhanced Control of Cooling Towers for Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease

The Government has enhanced surveillance inspection and control of cooling towers to minimize the risk of spreading of Legionella bacteria

Requirements of Authorized Cooling Towers

  1. Comply with five minimum requirements for obtaining approval of joining the "Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme" of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and other relevant requirements:

    1. Distant from air intakes / exhausts / windows / pedestrian thoroughfare with minimum 7.5m separation
    2. installation of effective drift eliminator
    3. provision of water treatment equipment and bleed off device
    4. avoidance of dead legs in pipeworks to prevent stagnant water
    5. provision of adequate and safe access.
  2. Comply with three conditions for obtaining approval of water supply to cooling towers from Water Supplies Department (WSD) and other relevant requirements:

    1. metered water supply
    2. no water leakage / wastage from cooling tower and pipeworks
    3. provision of separate make-up tank
  3. Comply with relevant statutory requirements, e.g.:


Design, operation and maintenance of cooling towers should adopt the best practices as given in Code of Practice for Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease and Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers. EMSD will regulate contaminated or improperly maintained cooling towers pursuant to the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132).

Installation of Unauthorized Cooling Tower is an Illegal Act

If the applicant cannot fully comply with EMSD's five minimum requirements and other relevant requirements, WSD will not approve water supply to the cooling tower. It is an offence against the following legislation to connect and use water from WSD's waterworks for supply to cooling tower without WSD's permission :

Installation of Unauthorized Cooling Tower is an Illegal Act

Consequence of Offence

Pursuant to Waterworks Ordinance and Waterworks Regulations,

  1. Offenders are subject to prosecution:

  2. Offenders are subject to disconnection of water supply.
Consequence of Offence1
Consequence of Offence2
Consequence of Offence3

Disciplinary Action against Licensed Plumbers

WSD will consider disciplinary actions against the licensed plumbers who have made connection from WSD's waterworks to cooling tower without permission of the Water Authority.

To Choose Suitable Air Conditioning System

If the relevant requirements cannot be fully complied with, other suitable air conditioning systems should be considered.

For enquiry on cooling tower matters, please call Helpdesk(s) or visit website(s):


EMSD and WSD have jointly published a promotion leaflet and a poster on "Do Not Install Unauthorized Fresh Water Cooling Towers". You are welcome to collect them from WSD's Customer Enquiry Centres for reference.