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How to apply for inclusion in "List of Qualified Persons" and "List of Qualified Consultants"

Application for Inclusion in the "List of Qualified Persons"

A qualified person (QP) is qualified professional1 who has received training on investigation of excess metal content found in drinking water and passed the assessment (e.g. holders of Certificate in Investigation of Excess Metal Content Found in Drinking Water issued by the Water Supplies Department (WSD), Vocational Training Council (VTC) or equivalent). If you would like to be included in the "List of Qualified Persons", you need to:-

  1. Attend the training course on "Investigation of Excess Metal Content Found in Drinking Water" organized by accredited training programme providers; and
  2. Pass in the centralised assessment2 after attending the above training course.

Since January 2024, QPs who have completed the training and pass the centralised assessment will be included in the List of Qualified Persons, which will be updated about half-yearly2.

Please refer to the following link for the relevant accredited training programme providers:

List of Accredited Training Programme Providers Organising Excess Metal Content Found in Drinking Water Training Courses


[1] Qualified professional should EITHER be a Building Services Engineer, Building Surveyor or Licensed Plumber, with the following qualification:

[2] Since January 2024, QPs who have completed Excess Metal Content Found in Drinking Water training are required to pass the centralised assessment organized about half-yearly by an education institution engaged by WSD. The list is usually updated following release of the centralised assessment results.


Application for Inclusion in the "List of Qualified Consultants"

A qualified consultant (QC) is a consultant of either Building Services Engineering or Building Surveying category which has at least 2 QP under its employment. A QC should be engaged for investigation in large scale of building. If your company would like to be included in the above list, please complete the application form (PDF / XLSX) with proof of your staff's professional qualification and send by email to wilson_kc_lee@wsd.gov.hk for further process.